Louis Tomlinson’s “Walls” Album: Analysis And Ranking!

Louis Tomlinson Articles
7 min readDec 30, 2020


Louis Tomlinson(29) released his debut album “Walls” on January 31st, 2020. Since then, his fanbase only seemed to be growing larger and stronger. You could find Louis’ “Louies” trending something on twitter every other day for the star. However, even with his incredible fanbase, Louis is, and will always remain underrated. His masterpiece of an album really showed the power of his vocals and songwriting skills. Fans were really able to relate to Louis’ lyrics, as he wrote a whole gender-neutral album entirely from the heart. “Walls” literally has no skips at all, and that is quite a rare thing to find in albums nowadays.

This is an album analysis and ranking for “Walls” based on personal interpretation. It’s a safe place for all Louies to leave their opinions and thoughts on this album.

12: Perfect Now:

It’s quite obvious what this song is about. The song is directed at a person or multiple people, presumably his fans, who have insecurities, telling them that no matter what they think is a flaw within themselves, he will always love them, and that he can see all their perfections and beauty. It’s like a much better and more mature version of One Direction’s “What Makes You Beautiful” and “Little Things”. Louis has said that it is in fact his least favorite song on his album, as he thought that it was a bit “cheesy”. The song is beautiful in every way, however, it’s not the best feeling when you know that someone else knows your insecurities, and that’s why the song is ranked in last place.

11: Too Young:

Again, it’s obvious what the song is about; young love and how no matter the ups and downs when Louis and his significant other were young, their love was strong enough to keep their relationship strong. As much as the song is beautifully written, a lot of fans couldn’t find themselves relating to the song, reason probably being because they don’t have enough experience with love, as the majority of the Louies are quite young. With that being said, “Too Young” is ranked 11th place.

10: We Made It:

This song is supposedly about the fans and Louis, how they were able to work as a team and stay dedicated and loyal to each other despite all the hard times. The song was originally not supposed to be on Louis’ album, however, it was his record label’s favorite song, and so, it made the final cut. The song brought joy to a lot of fans, and the song title even became a motto within the Louies. However, with lyrics like “Met you at your doorstep, remember how it tasted looking into your eyes, baby, you were still high, never coming down with your hand in mine”, “Meet you at your uni, cheap drinks, drink ’em all night”, and “Share a single bed and tell each other what we dream about”, fans are not quite sure if the song is actually about them, and so, “We Made It’ is ranked in 10th place.

9: Habit:

Another love song. It is also a fan favorite. There are a lot of reasons why fans love this song, varying from the melody, to the lyrics, to a line in the song that goes : “And it’s been ages, different stages, come so far from Princess Park”, mentioning the place “Princess Park” where One Direction used to live in back in 2011. A lot of Louies who are One Direction fans have grown attached to this lyric, but not all Louies were that fond of it, ranking it in 9th place.

8: Kill My Mind:

This was the only indie rock song on “Walls”, which was the reason a lot of fans loved it. These fans have even wanted Louis’ next album to sound similar to “Kill My Mind”. The song in general is a bop and deserved the appreciation it got, however, different tastes in music genre does vary within every fandom, making this song rank in 8th place.

7: Always You:

This is another love song. It’s also another fan favorite. Fans have been wanting this song to be a single, as it is quite radio worthy and the most pop-sounding song on the album. “Always You” is about how Louis has been looking everywhere for someone to love during the hard times of him and his significant other, only to realize that he’s had the right person all along. All in all, it’s a lovely song, but Louis has written more relatable and personal songs, putting this song at 7th place.

6: Walls:

Walls is masterpiece. It really is. It’s lyrics and music video are very creative and relatable. This song talks about the obstacles that Louis had to overcome during his life, calling them walls. Even with the very different experiences that him and his individual fans went through, Louies were still able to relate to and appreciate the song. However, the majority of fans have expressed more love and closeness other songs in Louis’ album, which puts this song in 6th place.

5: Defenceless:

In this song, Louis talks about how he feels completely helpless, with nothing to protect him from the world. From closer inspection, this song could possibly be a first part to “Walls”, before he overcame his fears and obstacles. Not only could Louies relate to this song, but they’ve also shown howmuch they love the lyrics and melody, especially in the bridge of the song, where Louis sings an angelic falsetto. The song is still underrated, but there are also other underrated songs in Louis’ album, landing this song in 5th place.

4: Two of Us:

This is one of Louis’ best songs. Anyone can agree on that. It is also his saddest song. It’s about his mother, Johannah Deakin, who had unfortunately passed away due to leukemia at just 43 years old. Louis was quite close with his mother, and losing her was the hardest stage of his life. With no doubt, “Two of Us” is Louis’ most personal and vulnerable song. It’s beautifully written, and it really seems like Louis has put all his heart and emotion into it. Fans have said that this song makes them extremely sad and emotional, causing them to skip it most of the time. For that reason, “Two of Us” ranks in 4th place.

3: Don’t Let It Break Your Heart:

From the title, you can guess what the song is about. It is an absolutely heartwarming song that Louis wrote for the fans for when they go through hard times, telling them that it is going to be alright no matter what, that it will take time but it will eventually get better. This song has saved the lives of many Louies, and for that, this son ranks at 3rd place.

2: Fearless:

This is probably the most underrated song in Louis’ whole discography. The fact that Louis hasn’t said exactly what the song is about, yet the amount of theories people can make about this song tells you something about his songwriting. The most popular theory is that the song is about the friendship of Louis and someone he was close with. Throughout the entire song, louis is talking directly to someone, and in the chorus, he asks: “Tell me, do you, tell me, do you still remember feelin’ young? Tell me the truth, tell me, do you still remember feelin’ young, and strong enough to get it wrong in front of all these people? Just for tonight, look inside and spark that memory of you, strong enough to get it wrong in front of all these people!”, and at the end of the song, you can hear a child say: “Mom, I did it!”. At the end of the day, the song is very creative and nicely written, landing it very close at 2nd place.

1: Only the Brave:

This is the shortest song on the album. It is easily Louis’ best song. The lyrics of this song are pure poetry, and fans have expressed over and over again how much they love this song. Louis said that this song talks about how “Love is only for the brave”, which made it clear that the song was an LGBTQ+ anthem. The song’s lyrics made that even more clear, with lines such as “Pour mercy, mercy on me, set fire to history”, “I’m breakin’ my own rules”, “It’s a church of burnt romances, and I’m too far gone to pray”, and “It’s a tall tale, and it’s only hello, hello, no goodbye”, the song could quite literally be about queer history, talking about queerphobia and how it still exists, how he wants to get rid of the history of oppression that queer people had to go, and how the people who deserve love are the brave, an empowering message, especially towards the LGBTQ+ community. This song is the reason that the majority of Louis’ fanbase are queer. This song is also the reason why Louis’ fanbase feel valid and safe. This song absolutely deserves 1st place.

No matter what, all of Louis’ songs are worth Grammys, and all Louies would love to know if Louis had just as much fun writing and recording his album as much as we loved listening to it!

